Something old!

Posted by: Kaye August 8th, 2022 Filed under: Journal

First and foremost, I am thankful to my friend, Anne, for giving me a space in her domain, even though I am not as active as I used to be. It took me a while to tinker WordPress again. I was kind of lost at first and then found my way again, yay! So here I am, using my old theme, since I still love it. Something old but not borrowed. I just edited the header to fit where I’m at now. A rando with 7 kittiesĀ  and still a pink addict. I had to brush up on my little photoshop knowledge, nothing like a YouTube tutorial can’t solve. All kitty icons on my header are from Freepik and of course, they are free! So many cute icons to find.


I wonder where all the bloggers that I used to visit before.Most of their websites are left with ads, or they don’t exist anymore, sadly. I’ll keep this blog up and running as much as I can and as long as Anne will let me. Thank you very much, Anne.